
She got me (Shooting for a music video)

These are a few pictures for the Diego Brown's video.

El Panque

Corto Creativo 2007

Voltage Films estara presente en el festival Corto Creativo de la UDC. "666", "Noche Tenebrosa" e "Inevitable Destino" de Hazael Lopez + "El Panque" de Alejandro Palacios.

Fechas y horarios <Aqui>


666 the number of the beast...666...ok.

Dia de campo (The picnic)

3rd Place at the Festival Recortos 48 2006 Tijuana, Mexico. 48 hours to complete this short film starting with an incomplete script that you most fill and sort out.

Autoretrato (Selfportrait)

Una simple accion (A simple action)

Just an excersice


This is the space for you to watch, enjoy and criticize, if you like what you see, please do not hesitate to give us a feedback, we really like to hear from you.

Enjoy the show.